Tonalin Conjugated Linoleic Acid
- Decreases the amount of fat stored in your body
- Assists in promoting lean muscle mass
- Enhances lean body mass
- Helps reduce the percentage of body fat while preserving muscle tissue
- Promotes body fat loss while preserving muscle tissue
- Targets stubborn belly fat
- Promotes the utilization of body fat as fuel
- CLA contains natural ingredients that can redistribute fat to fat-burning muscle tissue
- Effects are enhanced with exercise
Tonalin® CLA (100% Pure Safflower Oil) 3500 mg
Tonalin CLA is a combination of fatty acids extracted from pure safflower oil, shown to be the richest source of this ingredient. A recent long-term study reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, specifically examined Tonalin CLA and found that study participants who took 3.4 grams of CLA daily for one year experienced as much as a nine percent decrease in body fat mass.
Tonalin CLA is a safe, scientifically-proven, effective nutritional supplement that contains no stimulants of any kind. Tonalin CLA works in several ways: First, it may help increase and maintain lean muscle, which naturally may slim your body. Secondly, Tonalin CLA helps to decrease the amount of fat stored in your body. The result is, as you diet, you may drop a clothing size or two without the dreaded yo-yo effect of losing and regaining weight. Why? Because you are reducing body fat, not water, which is a more permanent and healthy way to lose weight. Thirdly, research shows CLA may promote overall well-being in other areas that are currently being studied worldwide. For best results, exercise moderately.
Chromium 120 mcg
Chromium is a trace mineral that assists with burning carbohydrates and fat. It helps provide blood sugar to cells and may support normal sensitivity to insulin, potentially helping to curb cravings for sweets and carbohydrates. Because of the role it plays in the metabolism, chromium is commonly added to natural weight-loss products. Chromium is naturally found in foods like yeast, mushrooms, prunes and broccoli. It is sometimes added to drinking water.
Claims have been made that chromium may reduce the risk of insulin resistance. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released a supportive yet highly qualified statement regarding this, stating a relationship between chromium and insulin resistance may be present but is still “”uncertain.””
What is nutraMetrix® TLS Tonalin® CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid)?
nutraMetrix TLS Tonalin CLA is conjugated linoleic acid, a fatty acid that is recognized for its role in promoting good health. Tonalin is the highest quality form of CLA on the market, a licensed brand name owned exclusively by Cognis Group.
How is nutraMetrix TLS Tonalin® CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) made?
nutraMetrix TLS Tonalin CLA is made from a proprietary process that converts linoleic acid from safflowers into conjugated linoleic acid. (Safflower is the best source of linoleic acid.) We take pride in the precise manufacturing and scientific standards used to create nutraMetrix TLS Tonalin CLA. The proprietary processing ensures the lowest levels of non-naturally occurring isomers (impurities) in our final product. When you choose nutraMetrix TLS Tonalin CLA, you choose a one-of-a-kind, patented product uniquely consistent in purity and quality.
I took nutraMetrix TLS Tonalin CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) and my weigh-ins increased. What’s wrong?
If you are taking nutraMetrix TLS Tonalin CLA as directed, exercising regularly and maintaining a healthy diet, and you are gaining weight, don’t be alarmed. nutraMetrix TLS Tonalin CLA helps reduce body fat and maintain or increase lean muscle mass. Gaining or maintaining muscle mass allows the body to burn fat more effectively; however, since muscle mass weighs more than fat mass, the scale may reflect an increase in overall weight initially, though your overall body fat is decreasing. Remember, losing body fat does not always equate to losing weight, so don’t trust the scale – check your inches.*
How does nutraMetrix TLS Tonalin CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) work in the body?
nutraMetrix TLS Tonalin CLA works on different parts of our bodies: adipocytes, triglycerides and carnitine palmitoyltransferase. Adipocytes are fat cells. Tonalin CLA helps to decrease the number and size of adipocytes, lowering your body-fat mass. Triglycerides are fats. Most dietary fat and fat in our bodies comes in the form of triglycerides. Once these fats enter your blood, an enzyme called LPL (lipoprotein lipase) hydrolyzes lipids where they are stored in adipocytes. Studies show that CLA helps to inhibit LPL activity, so overall less fat gets stored. Its how the body causes fat cells to disintegrate. By increasing the rate at which fat cells disintegrate, nutraMetrix TLS Tonalin CLA helps decrease the number of existing fat cells stored in your body. CPT (carnitine palmitoyltransferase) is another enzyme. It transports fatty acids to the mitochondria where they are turned into the energy you need to keep going. Additional studies show that CLA promotes CPT activity, so fat is burned up faster — leaving less of it hanging around to be stored in your body.*
Are there any other health benefits of nutraMetrix TLS Tonalin CLA(Conjugated Linoleic Acid)?
Tonalin CLA is the leading manufacturer to invest in clinical research and applies extensive research and technology to further broaden CLAs benefits. Currently, research shows CLA may promote overall well being in the body and study participants have reported an increase in energy while using CLA. Additional studies are now being conducted worldwide.
Animal studies suggest CLA may enhance the immune system. Initial animal studies have also suggested that CLA may aid in the maintenance of normal blood glucose and insulin levels.*
Can I take nutraMetrix TLS Tonalin CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) with my prescription drug?
No clinical studies have been performed on the interactions of nutraMetrix TLS Tonalin CLA with medications. Please consult your physician before starting any dietary supplementation.
Are there any contraindications or warnings I should be aware of when taking nutraMetrix TLS Tonalin CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid)?
If you are currently taking prescription medication or have an ongoing medical condition, you should consult your physician before using this product. Women who are pregnant or nursing should not use this product. Keep out of reach of children.