Multivitamin with Iron
- Supports a healthy immune system
- Contains 100 percent or more of the recommended daily value of essential vitamins and minerals
- Promotes the conversion of food into energy
- Supports a healthy cardiovascular system
- Supports strong bones
- Promotes skin health
- May promote mental clarity
- Helps maintain normal blood pressure
- Supports a healthy thyroid
- Promotes normal healing
- Helps maintain normal metabolic functioning
- Supplements deficiencies in diet
- Promotes healthy growth and repair of tissue
- Helps maintain water and electrolyte balance in the body
- Contains vitamins that support the body’s ability to metabolize fats and carbohydrates and support a healthy body weight
- Provides vitamins and minerals associated with healthy body weight
Vitamin A (Beta-Carotene/Vitamin A pre-cursor) 10,000 IU Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin. Sources of vitamin A include organ meats (such as liver and kidney), egg yolks, butter, carrot juice, squash, sweet potatoes, spinach, peaches, fortified dairy products and cod liver oil. Vitamin A is also part of a family of compounds including retinol, retinal and beta-carotene. Beta-carotene, also known as pro-vitamin A, can be converted into vitamin A when additional levels are required. All the body’s tissues need vitamin A for general growth and repair. Vitamin A helps to promote healthy night vision, support normal bone growth, and support an antioxidant defense and a healthy immune system.*
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) 150 mg
Vitamin C is found in peppers (sweet, green, red, hot red and green chili), citrus fruits and brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, collards, mustard greens, broccoli, spinach, guava, kiwi fruit, currants and strawberries. Nuts and grains contain small amounts of vitamin C. It is important to note that cooking destroys vitamin C activity.
Why is taking a vitamin supplement important?
A vitamin may be broadly defined as a substance that is essential for the maintenance of normal metabolic function, but which is not produced in the body and therefore must be consumed from a source outside the body. They are necessary elements in the process of converting food to energy and in the growth and repair of body tissue. Reduction of vitamin levels over extended periods can result in vitamin deficiency. These shortages may lead to symptoms which can include loss of appetite, loss of body weight, increased irritability and sleeplessness or constant drowsiness. Deficiencies of this nature can be easily avoided by adequate vitamin intake.
How important are minerals?
As important as vitamins are, they are useless without minerals. Minerals provide a vital role in nutrition. Although there is rarely much discussion about the benefits they provide, minerals are considered the “”unsung”” heroes of nutrition. Virtually no nutritional benefit from the various vitamins would be possible without the assistance of one or more key minerals.
There are a number of vital roles that minerals play in the body. It is their non-organic components that initiate the metabolism of protein, carbohydrates and lipids. In addition to their assistance in the metabolic process, minerals aid the regulation of water and electrolyte balance.
What is nutraMetrix Isotonix Multivitamin?
nutraMetrix Isotonix Multivitamin contains 100 percent or more of the daily value of essential vitamins and minerals and helps establish a sound micronutrient foundation for your diet and should be taken in addition to your regular diet.
Who should take nutraMetrix Isotonix Multivitamin?
Everyone over the age of 18 would find it beneficial to enhance their diet with nutraMetrix Isotonix Multivitamin. Even when eating a balanced diet, it is difficult to consume the optimal amounts of vitamins and minerals each day. Numerous studies have been conducted on the importance of vitamins and minerals. One should supplement with a multivitamin to assure that their daily nutrient intake is balanced and powerful enough to ward against any deficiencies, allowing for the best health possible.
What type of vitamin E is in the nutraMetrix Isotonix Multivitamin?
The vitamin E in the Isotonix Multivitamin and the antioxidant formulas is the natural, high activity d, 1-alpha-tocopherol. It has been converted to the acetate form to aid water solubility. This form of vitamin E, the natural form, is superior in terms of absorption and retention in the body. The natural form of alpha-tocopherol is known as “”d-alpha tocopherol””, whereas the synthetic form is called “”dl-alpha tocopherol.”” The synthetic “”dl-“” form is the most common form found in dietary supplements, although many manufacturers, including Market America, have switched over to the more potent (and expensive) natural “”d-“” form.
Can nutraMetrix Isotonix Multimineral be substituted for nutraMetrix Isotonix Multivitamin, or can it be taken at the same time as the nutraMetrix Isotonix Multivitamin?
nutraMetrix Isotonix Multimineral should not be substituted for nutraMetrix Isotonix Multivitamin. Both products do share some of the same minerals, but nutraMetrix Isotonix Multimineral should be considered a source of the essential 14 minerals.
NOTE: Be sure to consult your pediatrician before giving nutraMetrix Isotonix Multivitamin or nutraMetrix Isotonix Multimineral to children. If you want a great-tasting, safe children’s vitamin blend, try our nutraMetrix DNA Miracles Isotonix Multivitamin.
Why is there vitamin D3 in Calcium Plus and nutraMetrix Isotonix Multivitamin?
Vitamin D3 has been added to the Calcium Plus and the nutraMetrix Isotonix Multivitamin to facilitate the uptake of calcium. Vitamin D3 is initially activated further in the skin in the presence of sunlight and then it is activated further in the kidney and liver. Vitamin D3 is a hormone that can stimulate the production of calcium-binding proteins, which aid in transporting this essential mineral through cells. The 1,2,5-dihydroxy-vitamin D3 is then transported to critical sites in the body to facilitate calcium uptake. The intestine and bone cells are two of these critical sites. There are groups of people who are not out in the sun for significant lengths of time. Certain racial groups have significant problems in the higher latitudes, especially during the winter, in producing substantial amounts of vitamin D3 and subsequently taking up enough calcium. Even with intense phototherapy for those people requiring significant calcium nutrition, the blood levels of 1,25-OH-vitamin D3 are highly regulated.